
"Life is only worth living if its worth sharing" .... A good friend of mine said this the other day and it got me thinking... what is "sharing life"? How often do we share our lives with the people around us? And how much of our lives do we have to share?

I searched a definition for the word "Brotherhood", and found this:

Brotherhood - Feelings of friendship, support and understanding between a community of people

Brotherhood is often spoken of throughout the Bible, and whether people know it or not, it happens to them everyday. It's about spending time with friends; going out for a drink or lunch with them; helping someone in their time of need. The best way to look at it is to see "Brotherhood" as a verb... an act. So to sum the quote up in one word, I would say "Brotherhood".

We share our lives with the people around us everyday. Meeting friends, speaking about what we did last weekend or what we have planned for the next one; it's something that we do subconsciously. But how much of our lives should we share?

I think that we are all guilty of not sharing our lives enough with the people around us. We have secrets that we don't want people to know, we lie about our feelings to the people closest to us, even if it is because we feel it's better for them not to know. Even those people that we would say we completely trust, we don't tell them everything.

Being part of a Church who's lifestyle is based around Brotherhood is great. The Church we (TP7) are part of (Jesus Fellowship Church) have taken on a lifestyle called "Community". Community within the Church is people living together in the same house as an "extended family", where they share their belongings, including all of their money, their cars and their food. In giving all of their own things to be shared amongst the people they live with, a sense of Brotherhood is automatically created. With that comes times where they meet together to eat, pray, worship and just to relax. The sense of Brotherhood in Church community is far stronger than that in the World, and it brings with it much stronger feeling of security... I certainly feel a lot more secure and stable when I'm with them.

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